I was surprised when I learnt that by recycling about 55,000 tonnes of recyclable materials, MPSJ saved about RM2mil in 2019. It then got me thinking of whether a more organised and wide spread system could expand current reach.
I had a few parameters in mind – one, recycling must be made more accessible by ensuring sufficient infrastructure; two, I wanted to avoid the current system of centralised collection, as such recycling centres become dump sites for irresponsible persons to throw away not just unrecyclable waste, but sometimes even construction waste; three, there must be an accountability mechanism.
With those few rules in mind, my office decided to choose 4 apartments in Subang Jaya to begin a pilot recycling programme
The 4 apartments chosen are – Laman Baiduri, Residensi Laguna, Arcadia and Indera Subang. These apartments were identified as they have demonstrated responsible, conflict-free management in the two years that I have served as an Assemblywoman.
Each apartment was asked to apply for a maximum RM5000 worth of infrastructure by producing invoices from suppliers of the types and quantity of recycle bins that they needed. Each apartment is different, and so I felt that they should be given the autonomy to decide what they needed. To ensure that the infrastructure is effective, we could not adopt a one size fits all approach.
A total of RM16,098 has been spent for this project.
Why apartments? One, apartments are gated and guarded. This means that non-residents (save for invited guests) are not allowed entry. Improper dumping can be reduced. Two, apartments by law must have either a Joint Management Body or Management Corporation. There automatically is a body responsible for managing this project. Three, apartments have the density to demonstrate results.
All apartments chosen must produce a monthly report to MPSJ, which will be shared with my office, to determine effectiveness.
Having rolled out the said phase one, my office is working on phase two for the second half of 2020. We aim to roll out two phases a year.
Interested apartment managements can express your interest by emailing me at [email protected]. We will sit with the Commissioner of Buildings to assess the performance of apartment managements before agreeing to supply the intended infrastructure. This is necessary to ensure that they are put to good use, and that the project will produce results.