DENGUE ALERT! Dengue cases have been recording an upward trend over the last two months despite efforts by the health authorities and the Subang Jaya City Council in combating the situation.
MBSJ councillor Ken Chia is concerned that many residents will land up in hospital for dengue if residents themselves continue to ignore the need for them to search and destroy mosquito breeding spots in their homes and compounds.
“Fogging kills adult mosquitoes while larvaciding targets the larvae of the Aedes mosquito in the water. But this can only reach the exterior of the house.”
“We need residents to check the interior of their homes for breeding spots. They may have overlooked exposed containers of water inside their homes which are providing refuge to the mosquitoes,” he said during a gotong-royong in USJ18 to remove old tires which were previously used for planting which had now been abandoned.
There are basically two variants of the Aedes mosquito. The Aedes aegypti is the dominant species, which thrives inside houses while the Aedes albopictus breeds primarily in outdoor containers.
According to Ken, it is important for residents to spare just 10 minutes weekly to search and destroy any potential breeding spots in their homes and compound.
“Check your toilet tank for mosquito larvae. Turn down the cover to your toilet seat if you are going away for a long period of time. The clean water in both is ideal for mosquitoes to breed,” he added.