EVERYONE’S talking about GE15. It’s the talk of the town wherever you go; be it at dinner or catching up with friends at the kopitiam. But the question we have at the top of our mind is – Are you ready to vote?
Voting is our obligation as a citizen of this country we call Malaysia. Our rights as voters is enshrined in the Federal Constitution. However, talking about it by the roadside or kopitiam will not help in making sure the candidate, party or government of your choice will be picked if you do not exercise your constitutional right to vote.
In the first instance, have you checked if your status as a voter is registered with the Elections Commission? Even if you had voted before, it is a good practice to check. If you are a first time voter, check and double check and learn about how you can do so on polling day. Check it now. Click here to find out https://mysprsemak.spr.gov.my/semakan/daftarPemilih
I was asked this question right after Parliament was dissolved “Can I change my address and vote in the new place now?” The answer is NO. Once Parliament is dissolved, you will not be able to change your polling station or constituency.
This time around Subang Jaya voters will go to the polls on Nov 19 to choose their Member of Parliament only. Why is this so? It’s simply because the Selangor State Assembly is not dissolved and that means our State Assemblywoman remains our Yang BerHormat until it is dissolved.
What does that mean? It means you will only be issued a single ballot paper for Parliament Subang when you are at the polling station.
Incumbent Subang MP Wong Chen has confirmed that he will be seeking re-election in GE15. Aspiring candidates from other political parties vying for the Subang Parliamentary seat have yet to be officially announced.
So what can we expect from Nov 5 (nomination day) until Nov 19 (polling day)? We can expect to see numerous ceramah and meet-the-people sessions from candidates who will by Nov 5 be confirmed. Like in the past few General Elections, we can expect to see a few contenders for the Subang seat including independents coming in to try their luck.
We can expect to see the heat turned up across the country as every Malaysian will be talking-eating-sleeping and dreaming of GE15 as we get swarmed with information overloads from the campaign trail. Our social media will be filled to the brim with pitches and salvos from political parties trying to outdo and out-promise their competitor.
How do we decide? This decision is entirely yours and yours alone. No one can and should influence you in any way. You are the best judge of who you want to be representing you and who you want to form the next government of the day. Are you happy with your YB’s performance? Are you happy with the government’s performance? You decide.
Almost 5 million new young voters will be joining in for GE15. These are first-time voters. But being first time voters doesn’t devalue your vote in any way. Our votes are equal and it is our responsibility to come out to vote for the future of our children and children’s children. The younger generation must come out in numbers to express their aspirations and vision for the country; and to also decide who they want as their government of the day.
For this GE15, SJ Echo will be taking to social media to bring readers updates of the election campaign right up to Nov 19. Come Nov 20, we will welcome our new government.
Follow us on Facebook: SJEcho to stay abreast with GE15.
Here’s wishing all the candidates Good Luck! And to all our readers in Subang Jaya, SEE YOU AT THE POLLS!
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