Mydin Takes the Lead in Dropping Prices of Chicken

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd has taken the lead to drop prices of whole chicken, selling it at RM8.29 per kg.

Prices of several essential items are also being offered at lower prices.

According to Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd managing director Dato Ameer Ali Mydin, being the biggest hypermarket chain in the country it was Mydin’s responsibility to be the game-changer in pricing their items.

“At Mydin we monitor market pricing and at the same time our costs.”

“So when prices go down, it’s very important for businesses like us to immediately bring down the prices at our hypermarkets,” he said after the launch of ‘Kasih Sayang Ibu dan Si Manja’ campaign by Minister of Domestic Trade and Costs of Living Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub.

Ameer said by reducing the price of chicken sets the trend for Mydin’s competitors to follow.

“Everyone has to make a profit in business. There’s a certain margin we have to make. This is a game-changer for us all.”

“At the end of the day, consumers will reap the benefits from the reduced prices,” he said.

Ameer urged Subang Jaya residents to head over and use the hypermarket as the gauge on pricing of items being sold.

“We are very competitive and price sensitive. Obviously if prices of items drop, you will be the first one to enjoy the difference,” he said.