It’s now 32 days since we’ve all stayed home in the joint efforts to fight Covid-19. The Movement Control Order which was first implemented on March 18 2020 has restricted our movement in a bid to bring down the curve of infection from the “invisible” virus.

Subang Jaya resident Andy Lee who is an ardent birdwatcher is improvising during the MCO to supplement his now curtailed activity. He watches birds from his house compound and is spending his time improving on his sketching skills. We caught him between birds to find out how he is keeping busy at home.

How are you coping with the MCO? What are you doing to keep your time occupied?

After MCO 1 and 2 I have settled down and got used to this new ‘life style’. I am one of the reviewers for ebird Malaysia (this is an online platform that compiles a checklists of birds, archive it, and freely share it to power new data-driven approaches to science, conservation and education) I used this period to review all new and old eBird submissions.

Black-collared Starling sighted in front of the houseSince I now have more time on my hands, I help out with housework like mopping the floor and cutting the grass in the garden. Like many other birdwatchers, I am “birding” on Facebook (viewing what others are posting) and I am also doing a bit of garden birdwatching. I have recorded more than 30 species of birds from my garden.

For work, I now keep in touch with my German counterparts and customers via video conferencing during the MCO.

Are you happy to get more time to spend with the family? Tell us how you are doing this?

I am happy. I have more time with the family and we communicate more these days.

Have you found new hobbies while staying at home? Have you discovered you (or your spouse) can cook too?

I haven’t started on any new hobbies. But I have found more time to improve on my sketching skills especially on birds.

How are you keeping fit and alert at home? Have you gained weight?

I must admit I have gained some weight due to the lack of exercise. I used to walk a lot on my birdwatching excursions and this has helped me burn off the extras. For my exercise at home, I am now resorting to mopping the floor and cutting the grass in the garden as my regular gym workout.

How are you keeping abreast with the news on Covid-19 and MCO?

I stay tuned to the Ministry of Health Director-General’s daily updates for my news on Covid-19 and MCO.

What’s your advise to everyone?

Duduk diam diam di rumah.. Stay at home!