By Paul Yung
I recently finished Robin Sharma’s “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy”, an incredible book that I would highly recommend. Of the 175 notes that he shared in this book, I was very inspired by this particular note that I wanted to share with you.
The idea that being good is good business. The premise is that the wiser, braver, healthier and more decent we make ourselves as people, the more superb our results will be in business. Because what happens within determines what unfolds without.
Being a person with integrity, honesty, strong character virtues and a noble heart isn’t just good for your soul it’s also a fantastic economic engine of your business.
I cannot think of a better competitive advantage than being someone whom people deeply respect and totally trust.
We want to do business with people whom we respect and trust, so why not take the first step? I have dealt with many people who say that they are afraid they are going to be taken advantage of; and that this idea of abundance and nobility is more idealistic than practical.
I agree, there are unfortunately, unscrupulous people who take advantage of others for their own benefit. People who underdeliver on their promises, those who are disrespectful or are just plain dishonest. These people will be quickly filtered out and more often than not, be a one-off business transaction. As the world becomes more digitalised, competition is fierce, and soon, these businesses will be filtered out.
Those who are kind, honest and operate with integrity, will get repeat business.
Let me share with you a real-life example. The events company I work with, Lite events, started as a two-person small events company. We have worked with them for over 10 years now, and it fills me with joy to watch them grow with us. The founder of the company told me that we were one of their catalysts for growth. Today, we do events for thousands of people annually all over Malaysia.
They continue to do good work, operate with integrity and together we host world class events that delight PM distributors and customers. I highly recommend them.
Being good is good business. Excellent things happen to leaders who do excellent things. Being the kind of person who wholeheartedly believes in a cause larger than themselves, and being the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to take wonderful care of the people around them – while helping the dreams of your customers come true – will pretty much guarantee that your reputation will rise, your team will remain loyal and your customers will shift from regular clients to fanatical followers.
Be the kind of person and company that other inspires and delights through your products and services that your customers will tell everyone they know about what you do. All of this will increase the bottom line, dramatically.
Create and curate fantastic experiences for your customers, go the extra mile for your team and operate with impeccable character and values and watch your business and profits soar.
Sincerely take care of the people around you. Everyone can sniff out insincerity and when they are being used. Don’t make business purely transactional, make it a sincere effort to build long term relationships, make it a pleasure to work with you. This practice not only helps my mental and spiritual growth, but it also keeps my team excited to serve and grow.
Bear in mind, this is a long-term play. To build a business that will take care of you, your family and itself, take a lot of time, effort and money. So why not start it right or make a decision to start doing the right things today by thinking how you can improve transparency and communication with your customers and empowering your team.
As we approach Merdeka, it’s time to reflect on the values that make our country unique. Businesses have a significant role in shaping our society and future. By embracing the ethos of doing good, companies not only enhance their brand and profitability but also contribute to the well-being and prosperity of Malaysia as a whole.
Together, let’s strive to create businesses that are not just successful but also meaningful. Let’s celebrate our diverse heritage and work towards a better future for all. Selamat Hari Merdeka! May we all continue to grow and prosper, united in our commitment to doing good.
Remember, doing good is not just a moral obligation; it’s also a smart business decision.