“Typically, we’re accustomed to quick processes like obtaining a passport or licence within an hour, so it’s puzzling why copyright registration takes so much time.
“To address this, at the MyIPO level, we’ve devised an alternative by updating procedures following amendments to the act in 2022, “ he told a press conference after the launch of the CR2U initiative at MyIPO Tower.
He anticipated that the introduction of this convenient and rapid alternative would lead to a notable surge in registrations, projecting an increase of 30 to 40 per cent from 2024 onwards, adding that awareness regarding copyright registration is less than ideal as they only received about 6,000 registrations this year.
Mohd Zuhan said that CR2U is a proactive step by MyIPO to bring positive changes to the copyright landscape in Malaysia and this reflects their commitment to providing more responsive and efficient services to the creative community, in line with the rapid developments in the industry.
“This initiative also recognises copyright as a crucial asset in the creative economy, and MyIPO is dedicated to consistently delivering high-quality services to Malaysia’s creative community,” he said.
The terms and conditions stipulate that applicants must be individuals or representatives of copyright owners, copyright recipients, or copyright licence holders. Each application is limited to a single creative work and the names of those involved in the work should not exceed five individuals.
Further information about CR2U can be obtained through MyIPO’s official website at www.myipo.gov.my.– BERNAMA