It’s now 40 days since we’ve all stayed home in the joint efforts to fight Covid-19. The Movement Control Order which was first implemented on March 18 2020 has restricted our movement in a bid to bring down the curve of infection from the “invisible” virus.
KK Yum leads a very active lifestyle. He is constantly “running” and participating in the many running events organised in the country and sometimes even overseas. His passion for the outdoors has to be put on hold during the MCO. We managed to catch up with this life wire to find out what he’s been up to:
How are you coping with the MCO? What are you doing to keep your time occupied?
I keep to a routine at home. After I wake up and have breakfast, I will shower and change into work clothes to reply emails. Once that’s done, I will do the house cleaning & any house improvement projects.
Are you happy to get more time to spend with the family? Tell us how you are doing this?
Yes. We get to cook together and interact more. This is something we can’t do during our normal busy schedules.
Have you found new hobbies while staying at home? Have you discovered you (or your spouse) can cook too?
I just rekindle my old hobbies like reading & jigsaw puzzle. My spouse cooks very well.
How are you keeping fit and alert at home? Have you gained weight?
I have not gained weight. I work out every evening at 5pm with The Running Plan Facebook page.
How are you keeping abreast with the news on Covid-19 and MCO?
I keep in touch with the news channels provided free by Astro.
What’s your advise to everyone?
Be positive. Find projects to improve your home. Be house proud.