It’s now 34 days since we’ve all stayed home in the joint efforts to fight Covid-19. The Movement Control Order which was first implemented on March 18 2020 has restricted our movement in a bid to bring down the curve of infection from the “invisible” virus.
SALENA MOHD SALLEH is cooking every day to keep her family well fed and happy during the MCO. She’s glad she has more time to spend with her other half, Tengku Nash bin Tengku Zainuddin watching movies and attending to minor repairs to the house which they can fix on their own. Salena gives us an insight into what she has been up to:
How are you coping with the MCO? What are you doing to keep your time occupied?
We are coping well. We are occupying our time catching up on TV programs/movies or just attending to minor repairs around the house.
Are you happy to get more time to spend with the family? Tell us how you are doing this?
In my humble opinin, this is a good time for families to spend time together without the need to go to the malls or movies. Everyone is home and accounted for all the time- no need to worry about who is not home yet and if they will be home safe & sound.
Have you found new hobbies while staying at home? Have you discovered you (or your spouse) can cook too?
No new hobbies. Cooking is something I do every day and even more so now when we aren’t able to eat out like we always do once or twice weekly before the MCO. I find this tiring as I’m the only one cooking at home!
How are you keeping fit and alert at home? Have you gained weight?
Our way of keeping fit was to cycle over the weekend – now we don’t. We must have put on a few kg or maintaining our weight as before but definitely haven’t lost any.
How are you keeping abreast with the news on Covid-19 and MCO?
The social media is at our fingertips. We keep ourselves informed of the development through Facebook, Twitter and daily updates on TV.
What’s your advise to everyone?
My advise is for everyone to be disciplined and responsible citizens. Stay home. Stay Safe & most importantly stay alive!!