The Leo Clubs of SMK Subang Utama and SMK Subang Jaya did a joint gotong-royong with Rukun Tetangga SS14 to clean up the grounds of the Padang Assam Park in SS14 before the year concludes.
Once again, these secondary school youths decided to spend their time and energy during the school holidays to do something meaningful for the community. Their actions drew praises from the park users. A whole morning was spent removing litter from around the park and sprucing up the RT SS14 cabin located on the grounds of the park. MPSJ councillor Ken Chia and JKP 1 members were also on hand to assist with the gotong-royong.
Two young brothers from Australia, Anthony and Avery Phung, ages 8 and 3 respectively, also took part in the gotong-royong effort. They were visiting their grandparents living in Subang Jaya and would play at Padang Asam whenever they are in town. Anthony, the elder boy, even wrote SJ Echo a note citing how delighted he was with the Leos for reaching out to improve the park. He also wished that people would not litter at the park.
Leo Rachel Chang, 16, the organizer from SMK Subang Utama, said the Leos are planning to come back in 2020 to re-paint some of the playground equipment.
So while we Malaysians, at every opportunity, complain and grumble about issues and problems from the local level all the way to national level politics. These next generations of young leaders are having none of that, but are instead getting their hands dirty to try and improve what they can. We should reflect upon ourselves and maybe take a lesson or two from these future leaders.