EDITORIAL: Just Another 2 Weeks to Break the Covid-19 Chain

WE just heard it. Prime MinisterTan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin just announced the extension of another two weeks of the Movement Control Order until April 28.

While it came as no surprise to many of us, the extension of the MCO means we have to continue abiding by the order and not make any rash plans to “break jail”. Think about it, we have already survived 4 weeks of MCO, what’s another 2 more weeks to help break the chain.

Our lives have surely changed in the last 4 weeks and it will continue to become a norm in the next 2 weeks and beyond. Whether the MCO gets extended beyond April 28 or not, it really doesn’t matter because our lives have already changed.

SJECHO has already undergone some changes during the MCO. We skipped our scheduled physical edition on April 1st and went to social media to update our readers on Covid-19 and the MCO. Over the last few weeks, we had developed our e-paper which is the edition you are reading from your smartphone or desktop. Reaching out to our readers with news has taken on a new dimension and platform. Throughout the MCO, we will be updating our readers on the latest via our website as well as on our Facebook Page.

I have only one worry with the extension of the MCO. As it is, we have many daily wage earners already suffering because many of them have been unable to work and as a consequence they have no salary. Many locals and even foreigners are already reaching out for assistance to feed their families. What will the next two weeks bring on them?

The community has stepped forward to assist in making sure that no one goes hungry in Subang Jaya. All over Subang Jaya, Bandar Sunway and USJ the machinery was activated to help the less fortunate put a meal on the table at least once a day.

It’s amazing to see what determination can bring to Subang Jaya. We see trucks of rice, vegetables and even fresh fish making their way to the low-cost areas of our neighbourhood to lend a helping hand to the needy, and sometimes hungry.

Subang Jaya has taken on the MCO with the determination to care not only for the frontliners but also the needy. While there are still some mavericks trying to play hide and seek with the authorities, the rest of us have put our extra energy to helping others. While others spend time on social media getting updates on the MCO and Covid-19, there are others who turn into keyboard monsters criticising everything they come across.

But that is Subang Jaya; changing during the MCO from an ugly duckling into a fine swan eventually, and hopefully.

Stay Safe Subang Jaya. Stay Home and Let Us All Come out Victorious …and Alive!