Illegal Structures in SS15 Next on MBSJ’s List

ILLEGAL structures and extensions especially on the back lanes of Subang Jaya’s busy commercial zones will be next on the Subang Jaya City Council’s list for action.

Subang Jaya Mayor Mohd Fauzi Mohd Yatim said SS15 was next on the list after the council had completed its task in Puchong. (Click here for our recent report)

“Yes! The commercial area of SS15 will be next on our list. During the site visit, we have observed that many illegal extensions and structures have been built over the drains, making it impossible for our cleaning contractors to do their job.”

Photo courtesy of KDEB

“We will break the slabs that block the drains and any obstructions that impede the work,” he said.

Mohd Fauzi said the site inspections at various locations gave him a better idea of what’s happening in Subang Jaya.

“Some are old issues. Resolving them will need the coordination of different departments in MBSJ as well as the cooperation from other agencies like IWK.”

“The problems we face with rubbish collection has to be resolved between MBSJ and KDEB to identify who manages the job scope and areas to be covered,” he said.

Mohd Fauzi said illegal dumping by irresponsible parties has to be tackled with strict enforcement.

“We have noticed residents like to plant outside their compound but have fallen back on maintaining it. We will issue a notice and subsequently go in a remove everything and replace it with proper landscaping as part of our efforts to reduce eyesores around the city.”

“Enforcement will be carried out in both residential and commercial areas,” he added.

Mohd Fauzi promised to get things rolling out to resolve issues highlighted within 3-6 months.

ADUN Subang Jaya Michelle Ng thanked Mohd Fauzi for joining her on the ground.

Mayor taking a photograph of the boxes which had been indiscriminately dumped by the roadside in SS17

“I am confident Mohd Fauzi’s leadership will improve the livability of Subang Jaya. He is observant and has instructed his officers to take immediate action on the cracked tiles along the walkway in the commercial areas of SS15 to avoid any incidences of children, the elderly or visually impaired from falling because of the condition.”

“We will work together with MBSJ under his stewardship to serve the people of Subang Jaya,” she said.

During the site inspection, Mohd Fauzi jumped into the car with Michelle and MBSJ councillor Zon 1 Ken Chia, leaving his official car behind.

The 2-hour site visit covered SS14, SS17, SS18, SS12 and SS13.

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