RECYCLING is now not just a stone’s throw away from home. It’s right at your doorstep!

House-to-house collection of recyclable items which kicked off in August in USJ5 this year is now running in other neighbourhoods – USJ2, USJ3/4, USJ4 Tudor, USJ9, USJ11/4, PJS9 and SS15/2 & SS15/3.

According to ADUN Subang Jaya Michelle Ng, efforts to encourage residents to recycle their items have now been extended to eight neighbourhoods, making it easier for house owners to participate in the programme.

“House owners who are interested to participate in the programme can contact their local residents association or Rukun Tetangga.”

“The respective participating residents associations and Rukun Tetangga can appoint their own contractor to go house-to-house to collect the recyclables,” she said.

Michelle said revenue from the sold recyclables would go to the residents associations and Rukun Tetangga.

According to her, the initiative had a two pronged objective – to reduce the amount of waste being disposed at landfills (which reduces the cost of disposal by the Subang Jaya City Council) and at the same time provide income for the residents’ groups to carry out their activities.

With ongoing efforts to encourage recycle, Michelle said indiscriminate dumping of rubbish by the roadside had reduced.

“Come join us. Residents’ committees who have yet to jump on board can contact my office to find out more about how they can do so,” she added.

Right up to Sept 30 2021, 70,759kg of items had been collected for recycling; raising RM25,703.21 from the sale of the items to recycling contractors.