It’s now 30 days since we’ve all stayed home in the joint efforts to fight Covid-19. The Movement Control Order which was first implemented on March 18 2020 has restricted our movement in a bid to bring down the curve of infection from the “invisible” virus.
We spoke to Korean Air pilot Captain Vincent Segar who is back at home in Puchong sitting out the pandemic on what keeps him busy at home instead of flying around the world.
How are you coping with the MCO? What are you doing to keep your time occupied?
I am coping well so far. The MCO has given me a much needed break. Time seem to pass very fast every day. I spend my time mainly shopping for grocerries and buying meals on days that we as a family don’t cook.
Are you happy to get more time to spend with the family? Tell us how you are doing this?
Yes! It is a good time to connect with family and friends. Now I have a chance to know more in detail of things compared to mainly problem solving scenarios when time was limited previously. Also, now I have time to re-connect with long lost online friends. With the advancement of social network service, it is now easier and cheaper to connect with everyone.
Have you found new hobbies while staying at home? Have you discovered you (or your spouse) can cook too?
No unfortunately but I have found time to re-activate my old hobbies that have been in the back burner over the last 10 years or so due to work commitments. I get to do much more flight simming. In fact, I am actually now in “flight” enroute from Ambon to Port Moresby in a Boeing 777-300 aircraft while answering this questionnaire. I also get to play with my drone and have more time to work on my marine aquarium.
As for cooking, I have brought out my electric grill that was kept in storage for the last 4 years. So far, I have cooked pork chops and also tried to cook ribs on the grill. The ribs were quite a challenge to cook on the grill but surprisingly it came out quite good in the end!
How are you keeping fit and alert at home? Have you gained weight?
Mainly finger exercise (hahahahaha) by using the TV remote and phone. Sometimes I move up and down the stairs for a little bit of much needed exercise.
How are you keeping abreast with the news on Covid-19 and MCO?
Mainly online news and on TV. I check out CNN,CNA and the daily press conference by DG of Health.
What’s your advise to everyone?
My advise is to stay home as much as you can. Only go out for necessities. It all depends on us. The sooner we can stop the spread of covid19 the faster the MCO will be lifted. Stay safe everyone.